Cassi0peia reddit. Start corrupting pots. Cassi0peia reddit

 Start corrupting potsCassi0peia reddit  I wouldn't recommended any of the newer champions

Good Viktor gameplay counters Cassio. • 4 yr. I swear this guy is my most hated champion his whole kit makes. Rabadon is 94% Gold efficient when built without a single other AP item, increased by 20% with every 100 AP bought. may the dankest memes be with you. Cass bot lane provides a LOT more teamfighting and durability/threat than squishy, killable ADCs. In a pure 1v1, she really doesn't lose vs many matchups. From what I've seen trading with cassiopeia is a bad idea. Mobile moba normally have. Happy titty Tuesday! I got in a car accident. Step one: Q Step Two: E Repeat as necessary. The goal is to freeze the lane and poke the enemy. It adds a distinct outline to her in-game model while making it slightly difficult for enemies to see her hitboxes. I would suggest against that until you get comfortable Q'ing. ago. She might be able to stun you but it's basically guaranteed that she looks at you, because her Q animation can't be cancelled by her. The Milan, Italy-based pharmaceutical company Cassiopea S. Diana will win because Cassiopeia E has. So instead of the many complaints to Riot, let's see the positive points for a change. If anyone finds this by chance also looking for a fix, use console commands and just copy past in "SetStage 002c7c11 1", kick starts her quest into the part where you are overlooking the crash site (it will teleport you there if you're not already landed) Then make a quicksave to come back on, click on her, and type "Disable", she deserves it. As Veigar, I've never lost a Cassiopeia matchup. And even if i beat her early she is comming bot and gains kills even tho i pinged ss. After using the 3 wave strategy, you can keep the wave on your side, play within your minions, and then. dristkal1216 • 4 mo. You highlight her weaknesses, but you have to play around them. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. 1. As long as you don't take much poke early, lvl 2 should be a good time to go in on her and kill her with Phase Rush. Business, Economics, and Finance. As long as her 8-6 sec CD Q is down, there isn't nearly as much threat against you. I don't recall her actually using basic attacks much. ago. true. Reload page. she will make loads of mistakes that can be capitalised on. Keep ur distance at all times after 3 because if annie burns all her cd just to get a stun, you can engage because cass is great at extended fights and all in's. The pinned guides answer your questions in depth, but I can give direct answers. She was one of the most common support pick a long time ago, and then just disappeared until not a long ago, now shes everywhere again. Phase Rush is better for players that reposition, target select, and dodge abilities well and for creating plays post laning. Share it wisely. And the summoner had over 30 kills compared to. **Scaling, **3. ASTRONOMICAL DISCOVERIES. Regarding Cassio, you'll very rarely reach 6 items, the champion has the lowest armor so very vulnerable to AD assassins and assassins in general tbh, also she's a hyperscaling champion who requires skills so if you're good at. Second, and more importantly, the roaming meta of the game nowadays means most game-swinging teamfights are centered around mid/jg rotating to bot for a big teamfight multiple times in the laning phase. Regardless of your opinion on smoking, his reaction to her choosing to smoke. Trading. The only risk is to survive till level 3, then if you use ur W correctly she can't do anything at all. Consider building mercs. I know she is a strong scaler, but I have trouble getting high CS numbers on her. Tenacity and Last Stand (Generally good) Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight (If you cant survive the laning phase) 2 adaptive force and armor/MR. Liandry is perfect in a lot of matchups, everfrost is better in matchup like yone, yasuo, melee champ in general. Into him, I actually will pick one of my back ups as I find they do better. Cassiopeia can get prio in lane as soon as she has lost chapter and tear. Profit. If you want to solo carry, you’d rather have an engage support (CC/tank for you), or Nami, Zilean, Morg, or Karma (can peel for you specifically) Yaksher. I don't have enough experience with the item to determine when it's best to build it over Liandries, so correct me if I'm wrong please. I love the name Cassiopeia. She’s great into heavy bruiser/tank comps, generally poor into poke comps. Make sure to dodge the chain though so you avoid her R being popped. A brief introduction, I'm from the Singapore server and have main her since S8 and currently am a D3 57 LP player with a 68% WR in 77 games. Idk about Azir but Anivia gets fucked by Cassio in lane , later in the game Anivia can shove her. I always hated this matchup because I feel like you can't ever do a thing to her in 1v1, but thankfully playing super aggro (instead of the usual super passive) made her lose her mind and made her try to 1v1 me in melee range with a tear start (the ego on. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit HomeTo find Temples, you'll need to use your scanner and follow the distortions on the planet's surface. ago. Essentially, you'll need to face different directions until the white circle of the scanner. The concept of 1v9 doesn't exist in League anymore, but Timmies still think it does and they have to carry alone. 5K votes, 70 comments. Don't be afraid to lose damage when you land your Qs, make sure to kite him properly even if it means losing a few Es just to reposition safely. U pay 1050g after lost chapter for just 30 AP. therealcassie0pia. Instead, you can just level Q more than once early for more MS, especially once you have enough mana sustain. 4. Going Rab second is almost never troll, and very gold efficient. idk I feel like kayle is reliant on levels and cassiopeia is only reliant on mana and ur ability to land q. I guess the 'shuriman snake lady vigilante' aspect works? Is- Is that what she still is. Keep in mind your Q has long range. In total of 75AH, meaning you roughly have a 43% CDR. Question. Redirecting to /r/leagueoflegends/comments/234kc9/cassiopeia_/. In other words, it's better for counterengage or chain CC, rather than for engage like Hextech GLP could've been used for. This skin is a favorite among Cassiopeia mains and even professional players. Today i was 10/5 with. When you go against a Cassiopeia in the enemy team and when you or your team slay her, you hear this traumatising scream. The fucker that’s akshan. Season 12 Cassiopeia Guides & Discussion. Cassiopia is unbelievably broken in URF. Two - ryze does not outrange cassio and the matchup favors cassio due to your ability to outrange ryze with your q's and then only take fights when you will outdmg him with your empowered e's. • You can constantly harass Kassadin with Cassiopea's posion. Urgot (Top) vs Aatrox - 7/0/4 Master Ranked Match - League of Legends patch 13. Even Senna with her pants and natural hair stands out a little. High elo mains/one-tricks like Detention and Vicksy have been saying this is a hard matchup for Zoe due to Cassio's stronger 1v1 potential early game, but I've also seen some other high elo Cassio players saying it's slightly Zoe favored due to the potential spells. My actual pool Is composed by veigar and fizz. Riftmaker, Seraphs, frozen heart/spirit visage/ stoneplate, filler AP items, conquerorI run out of mana before I can kill him every times. She turns into stone and crumbles to death, so more like her ult being used on herself. one of the best scalers out there. g. Let her push, get her ganked. Cons: Speaking of counters- some matchups are, unless you get camped by your jungler, unwinnable. 1564—1642. Tank engage supports work well with her. Edit: To elaborate, Cassiopeia is a mouthful of a name for a kid. ago. Hi guys I play twitch jungle, and given how juicy the combo twitch cass is I'd really love to find a good cass duo as cass players are pretty rare in my games. Faced this lane a few times recently and presumed that cass was a weak early game scaling champ. Start corrupting pots. Doesn't matter if shes 0/3. Fluffymal • 3 yr. If you think you have got what it takes to become a popular player on YouTube and you have clips recorded with your plays, feel free to add me on discord and DM: SnowFlaker#3351I really don't feel the same, Cassiopeia to me is not as good as people think in teamfight, she benefits from ADC's kiting but she is more reliable in skirmish to catch people wtih a man advantage and to create this she has to splitpush. you cant pressure Anivia pre 6 because she has egg, after 6 i feel like there is no counterplay. Can someone please explain to me how you’re supposed to lane against everything akshan is, like 100-0 you at lvl5, ult not stunning him while he’s clearly facing you during his e, w not cancelling his e while moving while it cancels nunu’s snowball. The 9. Even against matchups where Phase Rush is ideal, playstyles can favor Conqueror more. The champ absolutely shits on most popular midlaners in lane, and scales well. For some people (usually I'm doing fairly okay) are long range mages (Xerath, Ziggs) also tough matchups. Cassidy. Recently I played against Cassiopeia and I realized: "Wow, her ultimate is actually pretty cool". Much as you've seen AD carries with no escapes (Kog'Maw, Sivir, Varus, Ashe, Draven) wane in popularity compared to AD carries with escapes (Ezreal, Graves, Corki), so too have high mobility or high CC/utility APs (Katarina, Orianna, Ahri) taken over. Based on stats sites, the current builds for Cassiopeia seem generally appropriate, although Ravenous Hunter is likely overused. It adds a distinct outline to her in-game model while making it slightly difficult for enemies to see her hitboxes. • Ward both sides of the river, as you will be constantly pushing kassadin , which makes you vulnerable to ganks, thus always keep both sides of the river warded. The best thing you can do for OTPing a champion is to find one that you like and click with. A similar champ is Azir: Needs to farm to get strong, huge teamfights, huge dps and needs the team, like any hypercarry champ. It's a magic damage midlaner that plays kinda like an ADC. Even if i im feeded with Cassio i can't stun them that easily with the ult in the teamfight and i find it more hard . Cass is better in 1v1 in late game. A. In a perfect scenario, we assuming you can use ult once, w twice, Q 10 times, and E 50 times in a span of 20 seconds. The pinned guides answer your questions in depth, but I can give direct answers. I started playing league in s11 im main mid and for this season i wanted to add One or two midlaner at my pool. You can play the sidelanes, get a lot of cs/exp, steal enemy camps, and get towers. The damage output of a different legendary fat outweighs the mana gained from archs. Skin Attributes. I have been playing a lot of champs that are rarely seen at all, such as lissandra. Destroy the legendary ship ecliptic battleship camulus. **Roaming potential,she'll combo you with ball, depleting your health, pull the ball in with e and spam autos on you, until her q w is off cooldown, winning the trade because you can't out damage her. 14 changes help a lot for the matchup. g. Just because a champion stomped you doesn't mean it's broken, currently Sylas is THE broken champion of the midlane. Hi, im Stoiik i've been playing Cassiopeia since s6 and since more than 1 season i've practiced a lot a build that i found myself and wasn't played by top ranking Cassiopeia Player in EUW recently i've seen some players starting to build it because it come " a bit popular " from Cassiopeia Chinese and Korea player, so i like to share it and explain. she is the ‘ad carry mage’ after all. Yasuo and LB are hard, he can block you with Wind Wall and she can burst you and waveclear at the same time. The other 5% is if youre playing against 2+ champions that stack health and you arent the only ap on your team. He has instalose matchups if you pick blind tho. Consider maxing Q and poking him out so that if he engages, you win. Those champions IF player correctly are the strongest ones vs cassio. How strong is cassio top at the moment? I'm looking for an ap toplaner to add to my champ pool. Best bet for Garen is to make her waste her mana while still staying alive so she. If you can chunk him, it's an easy kill once he ultis you. Cassiopeia enjoys laning against double meelee (Meelee on her lane + meelee on JG). I_really_love_u • Church of Riftmaker • 3 yr. Avoid her Q, if she hits it back off immediately or you. Phase Rush is better specifically against Syndra (not the rest. Desperada is 2nd best imo. Cassia oil is also an antidepressant, and it has been used for years to build courage and a sense of self-worth. Patch 11. Second wind, and dshield makes her poke somewhat weak. If you're melee, you probably have better stats than him early on. Reddit . Her helmet is so cool but the in game model is literally just a recolor of her old model, and her tail doesn't even have the same colors as her splash. Best thing to do is decrease your champion pool. You should try to avoid picking Pantheon into Cass, its a hard match-up for him, but if you still want to try it here are some tips: To start with i should say that my runes is the classic one CONQ+time warp. And bonus, it shortens to Cassie nicely. Having played a lot of LeBlanc, I would probably dash to you, Q + R to nuke, then E to silence you and snare you. Late game you should destroy yasuo. 508 votes, 12 comments. Cassiopeia is one of the few APCs who are really good at Dragon (the others being Ryze and Karthus), and her early damage is exceptionally good. I don't feel she's a good. Just look at fakers cass game against FW Maple's leblanc. Null mantle/catalyst both prevent you from getting 1 shot and give you the sustain to match or beat Vlad's. Thank you and have a nice dayI am a Gold 3 Cassiopeia main and have some questions (about Solo Q, not comp/pro play): The Precision tree has been meta for Solo Q Cassiopeia for some time now. 5K subscribers in the TransAction666 community. p. I think that's how I'd describe it. Jade is smoother though, i never play eternum allthough i think its the coolest. This is a burst oriented meta where cass is sustained dps she needs to stay safe and alive to do damage. Dodge Q3 before using W, and if he Es it's safe to W under his returning point so you can punish him when he inevitably comes back. Cassiopeia is a unique champion in League of Legends, famous for her ability to take Baron really fast. Now they show Cassiopeia vs Lissandra early on and a breakdown on how Lissandra lost this lane (besides the fact she's Diamond and she's laning against Jensen) and they say the ONE THING Lissandra does that throws the lane and could have prevented the lane from going against him completley. Sure, after some levels it can go either way with a good stun from either of you guys, but I don't see how you can't snowball from your early big cs advantage. If you want to post your own content read Rule #1 carefully. darius cass, refreshes each time the tick occurs giving you more significantly more healing than it would for a single dmg ability. Those things that happen due to your actions in game. ago. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. You should also consider having upwards of 500 mana just cuz his invulnerability will soak up some mana. Cassidy is a great way to reference your star gazing while giving your daughter a name that’s less likely to be made fun of for having the word “pee” in it. Maybe you can go for a champion like taliyah, who is very good at pushing waves and is so difficult to freeze against. Viktor is better against multiple champions. Yay congrats on the new bb I know you'll. has created a new therapeutic topical drug class to treat acne. The only other major thing you have to outplay is her R, and you can do this with QSS or cleanse. Cassio likes to fight further away. Cassio was nigh uncounterable AND the highest damage threat in the game at one. Cassio has a lot more damage than you early and her damage is more sustained while yours is burst. I'm surprised by all of the responses in this thread. Other scaling champs vs Cassiopeia. If you don't get her early, try to hit 6 first, then go for an all-in. ControlOnly • 3 yr. Go electrocute and sudden impact. However, the extreme lack of color to the abilities, the piss poor chromas, and the extremely annoying sound effects makes me not want to play. Press J to jump to the feed. View community ranking In the Top 10% of largest communities on Reddit. Time warp tonic + biscuits will help a lot in lane,. 0 Followers, 8 Following, 143 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Cassie0pia (@therealcassie0pia)List of Cassiopeia's Problems from a Cassiopeia Main. However, Cass with her spammy abilities completely destroys veigar in lane. Not to mention her W, which can just be used to straight up deny your engage if she times it after you E1. My fiancé and I are discussing names. You can still play a lot of champions in normals but that's my piece of advice. Switch lb out for fizz and you can be foced out of lane by lv2. Cassiopeia W: 15% AP ration each second, has a 9. Cassio is hard but old Cassio was harder. Cassiopeia/Singed Bot? It sounds like a really strange strategy, but I think it could work. ago. Cass might be one of them. She is far harder to play in a 5v5 teamfight properly than in lane with all the target selection and micro-management though, depending on how far ahead you are of course. Cassiopeia A (Cas A) is a supernova remnant. 8K subscribers in the CassiopeiaMains community. • 1 yr. I have a broken eye socket but my eye health is good so all things considered I’m doing alright. The mana from completing archangels is overkill on her. Riburn4 • 6 yr. But you have to play carefully, watch your map a lot, analyse the enemy Composition, and see how much pression you can handle. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX TeslaRedirecting to /r/CassiopeiaMains/comments/12hv67a/. So in games where we are about to close out, or play that game winning fight I pick this up in. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You are 3-starring stuff anyway might as well get a 4-star poppy/kled as main tank. ago. Step one. ago. 4s cd, and R on a 44s cd. Start corrupting pots. A good talon will r your w and then q in and w to proc passive and. They might overstep thinking they are safe and then get all-inned. In the lore, she was transformed into a snake. Thats a good idea. The latest tweets from @TCassie0piaUnstopebble • 4 yr. Orianna is slightly favored into that matchup if played perfectly, but if you get even slightly skill-gapped, it’s unwinnable. NSFW. Hi! I'm Cassie :) I’m mostly playing DbD and Valorant. Visiting 20 star systems will unlock the Stellar Cartography achievement, while visiting all of them unlocks The Stars My Destination. She is a very good champ, but she HAS to be played in a somewhat certain way to be effective. Once you have enough mana sustain (Archangel's or blue buff) and ideally some Ravenous stacks, you. Atm I play Orianna, so the best comparison I can make as a former P1 Cassiopeia one trick is Lux vs Cassiopeia to Orianna into Qiyana. In a perfect scenario, we assuming you can use ult once, w twice, Q 10 times, and E 50 times in a span of 20 seconds. 4. Beware of ganks. She’s dps oriented so she was bound to benefit from durability updates compared to burst mages, but her sustain was nerfed several times over in runes, items, and E so it’s a trade-off. Check the rules for important rules on how/what to post!Cassiopeia's late game strength really depends on the person playing her. [deleted] • 7 yr. The easiest about the cassiopeia matchup is: that she easly overextends when she doens't know how to manipulate the wave properly, and due to her early aggression against ahri, she shoves the waves into ahris side what exposes her (cassio) to ganks ahri can then easly follow that up with a charm flash to lock her down. 3. Obviously you dont want to fall behind because then you won't be able to outplay her, but given an equal standing you should be able to win by sneaking up close to her (reducing her W size) and cleansing/QSS the ult. No more shitpost but I’ll always stick around this sub, she’s my lovely snake lady after all ;)So glad you ask! Yeah I had first noticed it in aram when I got obliterated by a Darius stacking them, and had the realization that for 800 less gold you can have the same resistances, and more haste while trading off the passive and active of the item itself. NSFW. 2. I think Karthus is only better if the enemy team is full squishies and even then items like stopwatch banshees and GA kind of. They should just play whatever they’re best at. 9 to current. Add a Comment. How do you feel about Cassiopeia being balanced around the Conqueror/Barrier facetank playstyle over the more traditional Phase Rush/Teleport kiting playstyle?Mythic Cassiopeia! I finished her in both soft and oil pastels, even some charcoals, it's a lot smoother in person, but my camera decided picking up the gradient finish my spray left was a good idea lol. Esp in fhe early game when she. Do this until she is in kill range and they you can commit for the kill. Xeroshifter. Roa gives you everything you need and lets you frontline for your team, it is better in 95% of scenarios. It makes wonders or even PR. You could also just never proc Stormraiders on Talon if you suck at your combo. She can run most junglers down and have perma prio in matchups like vs sylas. u/cassi0peia. If they have strong early gank champ, (graves, nunu, voli, etc) shove the wave until lvl 2, then deep ward the opposite side where the enemy jungler started, and play carefully. He had dbl mr runes too. Vlad out scale cass and viktor. Consistently land your double shuriken and e and to keep her low. This skin is totally worth its price in terms of in-game performance, particles, and special effects. Cassiopeia Q: 90%AP ratio, gives her movespeed, has a 2. That’s how you beat melees in general. jump to content. 14. Because of this,I struggle touching wave without taking too much damage and always end up with less cs and not able. Of course you could also just turn around. Webb reveals never-before-seen details in Cassiopeia A. Have Singed support Cassiopeia as a full-tank. You should also consider having upwards of 500 mana just cuz his invulnerability will soak up some mana. Sağ taraftan abone olup paylaşım yapmaya başlayabilirsiniz. Teams are just being pussy about picking it into Sylas. 3. The u/_cassi0peia community on Reddit. If mundo tries to fight your frontline instead it will depend on the situation but I generally try to isolate him from his team by waiting for a cleaver to be thrown, then I walk up toward the front throw out a miasma behind mundo so that it lands where his teammates are and sort of block his retreat. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all area of effect abilities sourced from champions. You need to get your tear, use your E passive to last hit and Q one when you need sustain only and then obviously have mana flow band to help you max more mana. Do not poke him too much level 1 and 2 or ull go oom. I think it has to do with how big of a frame they have, and their back muscles, and weather they are. The voice actress of Cassiopeia did a splendid job with her I must say. Imo any lategame champ that dont have insane escaping tools or mobility tend to fall off in winrate because of mechanical mistake by people, after 40 min it's super easy to get caught alone and die in less than a second, but if you are kassadin just spam R away without even thinking where and boom you are safe. Galio vs Cassiopeia : r/galiomains. I picked up Kassadin because he's simply fun (for me). • 2 yr. Fight him in his circle. Extremely good Azirs and Velkozs would be soft counters. Cassiopeia or Orianna ? I've been playing both and i have more winrate on Orianna due her teamfight that can ult 5 . ago. Your only chance as Cass would be to farm up. Needs 10 minutes to stack taking you to 25 min game time which is normally around level 15. oldmansdream. edit subscriptions. Ban him. As the title suggests, I've seen mixed opinions of the Zoe VS Cassio matchup. Türkçe League of Legends Sub-Reddit'ine hoş geldiniz. Her counters are just champs that can farm in lane and lock her down when the jungler comes to gank. Hope you like it!View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. As always remember not all lanes are going to be good or even for you, in some you might have to just learn how to not die and buy items little by little. . As you already know Cassiopeia is the queen of zoning people out of lane. You just stand there and farm until you've got morello then you. She’s dps oriented so she was bound to benefit from durability updates compared to burst mages, but her sustain was nerfed several times over in runes, items, and E so it’s a trade-off. 1. wait back for any kind of direct initiation , just deal dmg to tanks staying out of range from their dmg dealers, and after their carry use cooldowns on your tank you can go ham. And bonus, it shortens to Cassie nicely. Her counters are just champs that can farm in lane and lock her down when the jungler comes to gank. Discussion. If your challenge is going omm, the remedy is three-fold. This skin is totally worth its price in terms of in-game performance, particles, and special effects. U dodge. gg are a bit unusual: Akali has a 63% kill rate in lane, but only a 46% winrate in total. Cassiopeia is a five star constellation also called the “seated queen”, named after a queen do the same name, mother of andromeda and known for her extreme vanity and pride. With this post, I hope to provide better understanding for anyone still confused or looking to optimize or explore different setups. Thats a good idea. 4. Hes strongest early with a spike level six, so just pign alot and punish his turret on roams. Paragraph 1 is if he hits you with something. As it will usually result in you being massively chunked and she has sustain anyway. Redirecting to /r/CassiopeiaMains/comments/lf26s5/. However, LeBlanc will have the gank setup advantage. In case you didn't read it already, the pinned midlane matchup guide contains important info for the Kassadin matchup. Paragraph 1 is if he hits you with something. This is a burst oriented meta where cass is sustained dps she needs to stay safe and alive to do damage. When it comes to late, late game cassio dps quite bad compared to azir and karthus try it on practice tool, triple infernal, elder, baron, six items. TL;DR: Yes, I believe that Cassiopeia is a good APC, but her low base mana and high mana costs make it difficult to trade in the early game without running out of mana. That said, if your opponent is really good at. Even if you buy it at 2nd item, you're typically beyond the point where mana is a limiting factor for your play. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsdshield is good against any type of dot e. Your max ranged Q slightly outranges Diana's R, so you can fish for it for some poke and to bait out Diana's Q (walk in and out of her range/use the MS to dodge her Q) Weave autos without drawing too much minion aggro. Hi i main both champs and cassio has a significant edge on this matchup. Cass is better in 1v1 in late game. That said, champions like Lucian and Miss Fortune are going to give you problems in lane, and any kind of CC hitting you pre-6 will cost you your Flash or your life. I am biased. • By pushing his lane, you force him to lose CS as he doesn't have very good wave clear. Wait out his windwall or make your. Level 1: she can spam e and out-trade you (this is her weakest moment and you might win a trade if you can q and then run away) Level 2: she can q and spam empowered e and out-trade you and chase you down with the speedup and kill you. Cassiopeia II-a is a Moon you can visit and explore in Starfield. Orianna, syndra, zilean, xerath vel koz. twitch. I get that apparently everyone hates smokers. Cassiopeia ultimate is simple yet genius. It was a constant spam of this ability. A. Starfield - All Star Systems. Information on all 120 of the systems you can travel to in Starfield. She can run most junglers down and have perma prio in matchups like vs sylas. This thread is archived. ago. She just can't teamfight against a Lux, Vel or Xerath because even if she has a frontline she is a midliner. watch this video of leaguecraft101 that explains very well the concepts of teamfighting. Also this all culminates in the release of GENERAL DU COUTEA! This time as an aging slayer-duelist champion!Cassiopeia is easily recognised as a W-shaped pattern of five stars. I build hurricane second item so that. usuarioabencoado • 1 yr. Azir 3 soldier stab damage is 292 base damage with 0. Her kits seem pretty complex tho i would prolly need to play 50 normal games before i can try her in ranked. -QDEX • 4 yr. But yeah. I wouldn't recommended any of the newer champions. The lane is mostly a stalemate, but you had the advantage very early game and you're stacking up your Tear, while Ori's stuck with Luden's. Hi I'm a toplane main and I'd love to learn Cassiopeia a and I would like some advice about playing her, is toplane OK for her or is it infernal? What good and bad match-up does she have and some tips that u think every Cassiopeia player should know? TysmYes. You want to be playing for your team in early to mid game team. Akali is a beast as well. 1. PopsturAhri • 6 yr. Respect her engage potential with the help of lowhp cs for gap closing. Due to her higher than usual reliancy on perfect mechanics, what not only made her hard to balance but also an object to a lot of different scripts, she saw a few reworks before hitting her current.